About This Site

This blog is primarily intended to keep our family and friends up-to-date on where we are and where we’re going as we drive around the country as long-haul truckers. But it’s also a chance to share some observations about life on the road and life in general.

The title is a reference to one of the things we find so attractive about driving a truck (which weighs 40 tons – 80,000 pounds – when fully loaded); it allows us to travel all over this great country of ours, see the sights, and get paid while we're doing it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Election observations

We have purposely avoided discussing the election the past several months, not because we didn’t have any opinions about the issues and persons on the ballot but because the focus for this blog is to share experiences from our life on the road.

Now that the election is over, however, we would like to share a few of our observations about the results. While are disappointed in the results, we are more disappointed in what appears to have motivated so many of the voters. From what we’ve seen and heard, far too many of them based their votes on emotion and the promise of “change,” even though very few of them could express exactly what the change would be or exactly how it would come about.

Also disappointing is the fact such large number of voters can be swayed by superficial promises. More often than not, the candidates are promising exactly the same sorts of things. What they don’t tell us – and what most voters don’t take the time to understand – are the fundamental philosophical differences that shape how they plan to deliver on those promises.

We would hope that more voters would do some serious self-examination about what they believe is the proper role of government in the lives of its citizens. Not until they have a clear understanding of what they want and expect from their government can they be sure they’re voting for a politician that shares those same views.


Txjerry2 said...

Some times it is hard to keep silent. Your comments and insight are spot on in my opinion. Heard my neighbor talking on the phone a few days prior to the election and he said "American just wants a change." Well we got a "change" now we will wait and see how much it is going to cost and hurt.

BabyHamilton09 said...

I completely agree with your views Mike and Mom. What is wrong, but also a point was the race card. How many people voted just because of Obama's ethnicity? Kim made a point that "Obama could say, 'I'm going to bring back slavery' and the people would have voted for him just becuz of the same ethnicity". Such a popularity contest.