About This Site

This blog is primarily intended to keep our family and friends up-to-date on where we are and where we’re going as we drive around the country as long-haul truckers. But it’s also a chance to share some observations about life on the road and life in general.

The title is a reference to one of the things we find so attractive about driving a truck (which weighs 40 tons – 80,000 pounds – when fully loaded); it allows us to travel all over this great country of ours, see the sights, and get paid while we're doing it!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Justice, mercy and grace

It’s human nature to want to see justice done, especially if you’re the victim of some wrongdoing. “I hope they get what they deserve” is a common sentiment we use when discussing criminals standing trial.

Of course, justice can be a bitter pill when it’s you who has to face the consequences of your actions. Those are the times when compassion and mercy – not getting what we deserve – are what we’d really rather see.

We were the recipients of a good dose of mercy yesterday. Just outside of Flagstaff, one of “Arizona’s finest” pulled Lori over while she was driving and I was in the passenger seat. He claimed Lori wasn’t wearing her seat belt, so he decided to do a “Level 3” inspection, which includes going over all of our permits, load paperwork, and driving logs.

We figured we were both in for a ticket; Lori for the seatbelt and me for being in the passenger seat when my log said I was in the sleeper berth. After about 20 minutes, the officer came back and let us off with what amounted to a written warning about not having a copy of the trailer’s registration with us and my log discrepancy. His decision to be merciful was much appreciated.

Had the officer decided to not to note those two things on his inspection report, we would have been eligible for a cash bonus from Prime for passing a safety inspection. That would have been an example of the other end of the spectrum; grace, or getting good things we don’t deserve.

Fortunately, we are the recipients of mercy and grace every day. Instead of giving us what we deserve, God shows His mercy by giving all of us the opportunity to avoid the very real eternal consequences of disobeying His rules. But more than that, He gives us grace by allowing us to spend eternity with Him, something we certainly do not deserve. You, too, can enjoy His grace and mercy. Click here to find out how.


pasadenapio said...

Stay safe out there!

Anonymous said...

Not a good thing to post about LOG BOOK violation on an open blog.

Your safety department can read these just as easy as anyone, know of 1 driver for another company that was fired for what was posted on the internet involving a slight accident that was not properly reported.

Mike and Lori said...

Thanks for the tip but we've already notified our Safety Department re: the inspection

Anonymous said...

Thats good to know , would not want it to cause a problem.

Like reading your posts , and about the career changes that the 2 of you made getting into trucking.